Our Ministries
“After they had prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke God’s word without fear,” Acts 4:31.
Fear is suffocating, isn’t it? It keeps us stuck, rooted where we don’t want to be. It leads us to hold back when God is saying ‘Look at this wonderful feast I have given you!’
Shaken & Stirred’s mission is to help the women of Church That Matters and the community shake free from those fears. To allow us as women to dive deeper into a relationship with each other and our God. A place to challenge and encourage. A place for women to come and meet Jesus, sometimes for the first time.
We believe that when you encounter Jesus, you leave changed, shaken and stirred to your core. Let the Spirit shake you, shape you, and stir your heart. We will be right here alongside you.
Am I the only one struggling with time change this week? Whether you are struggling with time change or waiting on God’s timing, there is something here for you.