KTM Prep Nights

Once a month we get together and prep all the curriculum for all our classrooms birth to 5th grade! You may not be interested in serving teaching our kids on a Sunday morning, but prep nights are a great way to serve! Lots of praying and intentional thought goes into everything that we prepare so that we can do our best to push back the darkness and teach kiddos who Jesus is! We have prep nights on Thursday nights once a month from 4-9pm. You can come the whole time or what ever time frame you are available! We need and our very appreciative of any and all help! Come hang out with us and help us reach the next generation!

All Access - November 15th

It’s time for what you have been waiting for! Our Fall All Access Event! On Friday November 15th we are inviting any and all kids with special needs AND their siblings to a night out design just for them! It will be a time of making new friends, playing fun games, enjoy crafts,stories, music, activities and more! Meanwhile, their caregivers get a break from their ongoing care-giving responsibilities for three whole hours. So if you have a kiddo with special needs or one of your friends does please join us! We would love to hang out and love on your kids while you experience some respect! All Access will be November 15th from 6:00-9:00 PM  and we are going to Camp out at the box! SO that means S’mores!!! Remember Pre-registration will be required to attend and spots are limited, so be sure and get signed up as soon as possible! Registration will be open until Wednesday, November 13th or until the spots are taken, whichever comes first. We can’t wait to see you there!

Water Baptisms - November 24th

We’ll be having water baptisms in both Worship Encounters on Sunday, November 24th.  This is a command that Jesus has given His followers so that we can identify with His death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’ve surrendered your life to Jesus but haven’t taken this next step in your journey with Him, sign up today by marking on your communication card or scan the QR code on the seat-back in front of you and follow the links.