Has anything you read in the Bible ever left you confused? I mean, I can’t be the only one right? Eventually there is always a phrase, event, or command that just causes questions.
It’s funny that God speaks to us through scripture, a book that hasn’t changed over thousands of years, and yet our interpretation of the text makes the words confusing. How much more so confusing is it to listen to Him speak through the Holy Spirit or an Angel?
We tend to second guess, question, and pushback no matter the source because what God speaks isn’t always straightforward or easy. No one knew this more than Mary, Jesus' mother. God showed her that His will doesn’t have to make sense to be true.
“….God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
Luke 1:26-28
If you continue reading, you notice that Mary was questioning from the beginning. These words from God, sent through his angel, didn’t make sense. They were frightening and seemed impossible.
“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”
Luke 1:34
God knew that, physically, it was impossible for Mary to get pregnant and Mary was sure to remind the angel of it as well. But thank heaven, God’s miracles don’t need human logic in order to take place. Could you imagine how limited miracles would be if that were true?
But Mary shows us the truth of her love of God and believes in His encounter when she accepts the unknown and the impossible.
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered.“May your word
to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
Luke 1:38
What a level head she had! Here is an angel telling you things that will mark you for life, that don’t make sense, and are honestly terrifying, and yet you accept the will that has been placed on you.
Mary get’s it. She gets that God’s way doesn’t have to make sense and doesn’t have to be possible to be true.
Sure it will be hard. Of course it would be dangerous. As an engaged woman, if her fiance found out that she was pregnant it would have been within his rights to have her stoned to death for adultery. But despite the possible outcome, she believes and accepts. She encountered God, she questioned, and then she submitted.
So what blessing is God putting in your life that just seems confusing or impossible? What things do you need to submit to Him?
I challenge you to ask for Mary’s grace through the adversity of this life and her acceptance of who God is and His power to change what is to come.
Heather is a contributing writer for Shaken & Stirred. She is a believer, a wife, and a mother to a wonderful (and sometimes crazy) one-year-old. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and listening to podcasts. She can usually be taking care of the home and playing on the floor with her daughter.
Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash