In my life I have turned toward many things to give me joy, comfort, and healing. Things like food, entertainment, and the newest health fads. But the truth is, not once have any of those things made me feel complete, whole, or even slightly better.
Doubtless I’m not the only one who has done this. This world teaches us through constant ads, streams, and posts that it has all the answers. Through the world we can become stronger, smarter, and prettier. It (the world) is all we need.
Before my miscarriage I lived selfishly by the world. I went to church, but left God at the door on Sunday. I felt like I had a gaping whole in my life and I used the world to try to fix it. Even my attempt at getting pregnant was an attempt to lean on the world. “Oh if I just had a baby, life would get better. I’d be happier.” Losing my child hurt. But I know God used tragedy to remind me that this world can not and will never be what I need to feel whole.
Let’s take a look back at our story. I encourage you to read back through Mark 5:25-34 (NIV) with this weeks question in mind:
“What did we learn about mankind?”
Mankind tries to solve problems through the world before going to God
Just like us, the bleeding woman believed in the world. She spent all that she had on ‘experts’ who convinced her they had all the answers. Instead of the world saving her, it chewed her up and left her to die penniless, in pain, and alone. It was only after she stopped looking to the world to heal her and looked to Jesus that she was healed.
This passage teaches us that mankind is flawed in our view of the world. The world was made by God, yet we too often allow it to become our god. Our protector, our healer, our comforter. We seek a solution we can hold in our hands instead of lifting our hands. And it doesn’t stop there.
The world is persistent in its efforts to get us to seek it first. When Jesus turned to the crowd to ask who had touched His cloak the woman was afraid. She turned back to leaning on the world and what it told her, which was that she was unclean and unwanted. But that isn’t what Jesus saw. He saw a woman filled with faith and blessed her with peace because of it.
Just like her, I still struggle with leaning too hard on the world sometimes. But God is always there to nudge me back to Him like the wonderful shepherd He is.
Have you been leaning on the world instead of on God? What are the truths He says about you? What other things did you learn about mankind from this passage?
Heather is a contributing writer for Shaken & Stirred. She is a believer, a wife, and a mother to a wonderful (and sometimes crazy) one-year-old. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and listening to podcasts. She can usually be taking care of the home and playing on the floor with her daughter.