
Safe // Mary Swafford

This is the final blog in the “Romans Road to Salvation” blog series and I have to say, these have been THE most difficult blogs to write for me.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’ve gone about 3 weeks without a blog and that’s totally MY fault.

Not only am I a procrastinator, as I’ve shared with you before, but every single time I dedicate time to reading and praying over what to write my day goes to pot.  I’m so tired I can’t stay awake, I have sinus crud, I’m so stressed I’m a ball of nerves or my emotions are all over the place and I just want to sit in a dark corner and cry.  My son has promised to watch the puppy quietly in the other room so I can concentrate, but all I can hear is him squeaking her toys, yelling because she’s chewing on something or complaining about her smelly farts.  Yes.  I just mentioned farts in a women’s ministry blog.  

But this is SO important.   This message is SO important.  This ministry is SO important.  God’s word is his love letter to his people.  The book of Romans is Paul’s love letter to God’s people and this blog is my love letter to you.  

God’s promise was ALWAYS to bring a savior for EVERYONE.  

In our first blog of this series, we discussed Romans 3:23 and how we are all sinners and fall short of God’s glory, but because of God’s love for us we can rest in the fact that;

“God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” 
Romans 3:24.”

And the penalty of our sin was death.  That’s what we deserve.  God knew that we could never measure up on our own.  There aren’t enough laws or good intentions that will ever get us into eternity with God.  So he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross, taking our shame and guilt in our place and nailed it to the cross with him.

“He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.”  
1 Timothy 2:6

We have freedom in Jesus.  All of us.  Everyone.  And the good news is that this freedom is available to you and to me.  

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 
John 14:6

He bought the ticket and he stands ready to hand it over to me and to you.  And you know how we receive it?  We must receive him.  We must believe that he is the son of God.

“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” 
Romans 10:9

That’s it.  YOU.  Right here.  Right now.  Get right with God.  It’s as close as your mouth and your heart.  For it is with your heart you believe.  And it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.  It’s so simple.  But why is it so important for these two things to occur?  Think about it.  Your heart directs your life.  It’s your decision driver.  And your mouth is your commitment maker.  Proclaim Jesus as Lord of your life and that’s all it takes.  If you believe that Jesus is alive and that he conquered death then you are saved.

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” 
Romans 10:13

Just like Paul wrote in the beginning of chapter 10, I paraphrase for you.  

Dear sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the women of Shaken & Stirred, Sand Springs and beyond to be saved.  Some don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself.  They refuse to accept God’s way.  They cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to follow rules or keep up appearances.  But Christ Jesus has already done the work.  As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God. 

This is my prayer for you today and every day.  Whether I seem to have it all together and I’m getting things done or I’m stuck talking about puppy farts with an 11 year old boy.   I love you! 

Mary Swafford is the founder of Shaken & Stirred, Meals that Matter, Coffee Talk, and a Co-Owner of Boulder Coffee in downtown Sand Springs. She is a wife, a mother of 3 beautiful children, but most importantly a daughter of the most high God. You are likely to find her chugging or serving coffee, sitting in a tattooist’s chair, or making friends out of strangers.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Sin // Chelynn Broughton

I was only eighteen when I got married for the first time. That marriage lasted for twelve years. I will spare you the details of how it ended, but I was divorced with two children shortly after I turned thirty. This was something I had never imagined for myself. None of my immediate family had ever been divorced. My parents and sister had moved to Washington State right after I married, so I was navigating these strange waters alone.  

I was still very naive and immature when I met my second husband less than a year later. I think I fell in love with his family and their church more than anything. His father was a preacher, and his mother was an English teacher like me. They had been missionaries in Africa for a while and were very involved with their current church. They were two of the nicest people I had ever met, and they made me and my kids feel very welcome and loved. Everyone in the church was so nice to us, also. Less than a year after we met, we finished marriage counseling and had a big church wedding. God tried to tell me I was making a mistake when I had a panic attack on the wedding day, but I was the runaway bride who didn’t run away. I am a person who avoids confrontation at all costs, so there was no way I could disappoint a church full of my family and friends.

Less than a year later, I was miserable; my kids were miserable, and I figured out that most of what I thought I knew about the man I had married was mostly half-truths that he had only let me believe.  I tried hard to persevere, but I couldn’t do it anymore, so I asked him for a divorce. 

A week later, I received a call from one of the church's elders, who I knew and respected. He wanted me to meet with him at the church. Of course, I agreed, and a day was scheduled. When I showed up, I was invited into a room filled with all of the church's elders (five men). They had me sit down at a table with them and then drilled me with questions about my motives. They then told me that divorce was a sin and that I would go to hell if I went through with it. I left there angry. I had listened to the minister of that church preach multiple times that no sin was greater than any other sin and that

 “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Romans 3:23

Yet these men were telling me that divorce was an unforgivable sin. I’m thankful I knew the verse that follows that one:

Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.”
Romans 3:24

I know where I’m going when I die; it definitely won’t be hell. 

One thing I’ve learned from this experience is not to rush into anything. Acting without thinking first is usually what gets us into trouble. I didn’t think I would ever marry again after that experience, but God had other plans for me. He led me to a Christian man who treats me like the daughter of the Almighty that I am. 

“And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty.”
2 Corinthians 6:18

Don’t get me wrong. I know that divorce is a sin, and I felt the weight of that sin afterwards, but because of what I had read in the Bible, I knew that I would not go to hell because of my sin. If someone has tried to bully you into or out of doing something by using the Word of God against you, please know that God has given us instructions for life, and even though the Bible was written many years ago, it is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword. It is not outdated. It applies to every generation. You can find the answer to any problem you have in it. Don’t trust the words of the people around you. Search the Bible for answers to your trials and tribulations. We should seek His wisdom first in all we do, and we will be wiser and make better life choices. 

“For the Lord grants wisdom! From His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. 11 Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.”
Proverbs 2:6

Chelynn is a contributing writer for Shaken and Stirred. She is a long-time daughter of Christ, a wife, mother of two amazing adult children, and Nonnie to four beautiful grandchildren. She teaches Senior English at Charles Page High School and is also a Realtor for Keller Williams. She enjoys all things summer including boating, vacationing, and swimming.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

My Rock // Chelynn Broughton

If you haven’t read I and II Samuel, you may not know about all the struggles that David faced during his long life. Most of the Psalms are written by David during these difficult times. He spent much of his young life trying to avoid the death warrant the king placed on his head, but he stayed faithful in his relationship with God through all of it. When we are praying through the Psalms, sometimes his prayers seem so far off from our lives, but some of them are similar to what we are experiencing. Psalm 28 is one of those that is pretty spot on with what our nation is going through right now.


“To you, Lord, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit. Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place.”


Father God, You are my rock, my firm foundation. Hear my prayer dear Lord. I cry out to you for help and lift my hands towards Heaven.


“Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts. Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay them for what their hands have done and bring back on them what they deserve.”


Please help me to not be like those who speak kind words to their friends and then plot to destroy them. God, punish them for their evil actions and measure out their punishment in proportion to their wickedness.


“Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”


Praise you Lord for hearing my cries for mercy. You are my strength and my protection. I trust You, Lord, with all my heart. You fill my heart with so much joy that I want to sing songs of worship.


“The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.”


Thank you Lord for giving me strength during these hard times. Please make your presence known to those in power. Bless our nation and lead your people; be our shepherd and carry us in your arms forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Are you remaining strong in your faith even in these chaotic times? Know that God is faithful to His word. He will bless those who stand firm in their faith through their struggles.

Chelynn is a contributing writer for Shaken and Stirred. She is a long-time daughter of Christ, a wife, mother of two amazing adult children, and Nonnie to four beautiful grandchildren. She teaches Senior English at Charles Page High School and is also a Realtor for Keller Williams. She enjoys all things summer including boating, vacationing, and swimming.

Photo by Ben Karpinski on Unsplash