I often have the conversation of the difference between being a “Believer in Jesus” and being a “Follower of Jesus”. As some will see these two statements as one in the same, they are actually very different.
My handy online dictionary tells me; Believe simply means accept (something) as true whereas to Follow means to act according to (an instruction). It is not enough for us to simply “Believe” in Jesus.
James 2:19, tells us “You believe that there is one God, Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder.”
Believing in Jesus does not put us into action, but Following…that’s action.
Matthew 4:19, “Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of people.’”
Fishers of people. Remember that nugget.
As we come to Jonah chapter 4, we have witnessed Jonah doing the opposite of following God. In fact, he is running from God. The Bible tells us that Jonah was a prophet. What is a prophet? Well I’m glad you asked! In Hebrew, the word means “spokesperson”. A prophet, is a spokesperson for God, our Father.
Telling the world of God’s messages. That was the calling God had put on Jonah’s life. We know that Nineveh was known to be savage and enemies of the Hebrews, which Jonah was. But God TOLD him to go. Go deliver the message so that they will be saved. So why did Jonah run from Nineveh when God asked him to go?
I wish I had the perfect answer for you, but I do not. As I studied this chapter it brought me to a place of self-reflection. The realization that in my humanness I often do things that are best for me and not best for the kingdom. It is easier for me to build walls and keep things away that threaten my peace the same way Jonah chose to run instead of being uncomfortable in facing his enemies.
Remember that nugget I told you to remember? Fishers of people? Building walls or running does not make us fishers of people. Instead, it can paralyze your effectiveness and delay people from entering the Kingdom of God. Ouch! Delay people from entering the Kingdom of God? There is no way I want to personally be responsible for that.
As a follower of Jesus (following His instruction), I want to be focused on Kingdom work. Even when people are rude, cruel, harsh, whatever adjective you would like to apply. God’s will is to save them all.
But why? Why does God want to save them, the evilest of evil? Simply put, we ALL are God’s creation.
Take a quick look at John 1:1-3;
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
If God created everything, who are we to mistreat any of it, including people? If we are truly followers of Jesus, we are to be like Jesus. We are to be the light. Even when our flesh says “no, protect yourself.”
Psalms 18:30, “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.”
According to this scripture, God’s way is perfect, even helping those that have sinned against us. For when we do, this tells us that God will shield us.
When we get to chapter 4, we fully understand why Jonah ran and why he didn’t want to help. In fact, we see in Jonah that not only did he initially run, but when God did bring him Nineveh, Jonah was angry that God helped them. He wanted to see Nineveh parish instead of being saved. He could not get past his own humanness, his own feelings of hurt. In fact, he would rather die than see the undeserving people of Nineveh saved.
Jonah 4:1-3, “But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. 2 He prayed to the Lord, ‘Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. 3 Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.’”
I mean that’s pretty extreme…but what are some things we do today when it comes to our enemies? Gossip, slander, avoidance? If God is clearly telling us to go and give a message we often choose to not obey. Giving a message doesn’t always mean a verbal message. We can give a message from God in our behavior. We can treat our enemies with respect because they are Gods creation. We can stop gossiping about them, we can stop talking ill of them, and we can be open to an opportunity to be in their presence if that is what God is calling us to do.
Jonah would rather have died than to obey. If we believe and follow Jesus, we know that our sin separates us from God. Being separated from God means spiritual death. Are we being disobedient of God’s will with our enemies? If we are, we like Jonah, would rather die, in our spirit, than help God’s creation.
I encourage you today to reflect on Jonah and his actions. Do you have enemies in your life that God is calling you to share a message with? Are you willing to EXCHANGE your inaction for action and the opportunity to be used by God? Spend time in prayer with God. Heal from past hurts and move forward into God’s perfect will for your life.
Vicky Hodson