Asking for forgiveness is hard! Like really hard. Which is funny when you think about it. As children, one of the first things we learn is to ask for forgiveness.
But as adults, we push against the idea of becoming vulnerable, sometimes leaning on the preface of fear, but often stuck in our own pride.
This has never been more clear to me than it is now that I have a toddler who not only says what I say but does what I do.
If I yell at the dogs, she yells at the dogs. If I say a word I shouldn’t or respond poorly, she says a bad word, and the next time she is in a similar situation she responds exactly as I did.
It’s a constant reminder that I am incredibly flawed and that the way I show forgiveness affects more than just me. We are called as Christians to not only model forgiveness but to be willing to ask for it when we have messed up.
In these moments, it’s up to me as a mom and a Christian to apologize for the words and to ask for forgiveness for my actions. But in this flawed game of monkey-see-monkey-do, I am so thankful that God has given us the perfect model of forgiveness.
“Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.”
Luke 23:34
At this moment, Jesus was literally being put to death. His clothes were picked apart like quality antiques at a garage sale. He was in pain, hurting, tired, and broken. And yet, He didn’t get angry or lose His cool. Instead, He requested that God forgive them.
This action gives me hope (and sometimes conviction) that this is the example I am supposed to be for my daughter and my family. That no matter how tired or hurt I feel, I can either choose to bless or curse my family with the way I respond.
God never said forgiveness was easy. In fact, He showed us a perfect example of how forgiving is NOT easy. But never-the-less, forgiveness is what He has called us each to do. Not only by forgiving others but by being willing to let go of the fear and pride in our hearts and ask for it when needed.
So how are you modeling forgiveness? Is there someone you need to forgive or do you need to ask for forgiveness? How has Christ’s example impacted how you may respond?
Heather is a contributing writer for Shaken & Stirred. She is a believer, a wife, and a mother to a wonderful (and sometimes crazy) toddler. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and listening to podcasts. She can usually be taking care of the home and playing on the floor with her daughter.
Photo by Paul Green on Unsplash