
Conviction Brings Faithful Blessings

In our last blog we read about the importance of having a godly foundation.  Bethany Thomas shared about her childhood and how her parents raised her according to the Bible and then sent her out into the world praying that she would follow God’s direction for her life.  

She shared about Daniel and the other young men of Israel being taken captive when King Nebuchadnezzar’s army invaded Jerusalem and the “training regimen” they were to undergo.  Part of their training included daily provisions from the King’s royal food and from the wine that he drank.

But Daniel, because of his foundation;

“...determined that he would not defile himself with the king’s food or with the wine he drank.”

  Daniel 1:8

If you know my husband or I, you know that we are trying to plan our first EVER vacation together.  To a beach.  Where people wear swimsuits.  Between you and I, I’ve gained about 50 pounds since I married Mark almost 13 years ago.  I was underweight when we married, but that’s not the point for this story.  

The point is, we’re on a diet.  We bought special food and smoothies to drink for all but one of our meals each day.  Jeremiah, our youngest son, often watches me wide eyed as I try to swallow the thick, pasty substances or dry, almost stale feeling crunchy things.  You would’ve thought I was drinking some kind of awful liquid after losing a bet, but it’s only my diet food.  High in protein and fiber and full of yummy probiotics….but low in flavor and carbs.  As much as I don’t like some of it, I know it’s good for me.  It fills me up with good nutrients and vitamins and makes me feel full so I don’t binge eat chocolate chip cookies.  Not often anyway.

Similarly, in Babylon, Daniel may not have been eating protein drinks and crunchy sticks, but he was eating what was good for him and ONLY what God wanted the Israelites to eat.  I sometimes imagine Daniel and the boys standing in front of a glorious “char-dude-ery board” full of choice meats, yet he chose to eat what he knew was good for his body and was acceptable to God.  Daniel and his friends made a commitment to purity and did not eat the food that was forbidden by God.  They DETERMINED, or decided ahead of time, to stick to their convictions.

Like Bethany suggested, sometimes we get in trouble because we have not DECIDED ahead of time where to draw the line or what our convictions are.  Amazingly, God gives perfect insight into what we are to  do.

“Love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength….Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Mark 12:30-31

If you do that, you will not have to worry about what type of protein drink or crunchy stick to eat or only eat vegetables as Daniel did.  You will be pleasing God by obeying His commands and bringing glory to Him.  

But how do we do that?  How do we know what it is that God is asking us to do?  What are your convictions?

For me and I believe you as well, it is by spending time with the Father.  Not just a checklist of to do’s time with God, but genuine, focused, intimate and devoted time with Him.  Time that is beyond my morning “quiet time”.  This year in particular, God has been telling me and showing me the importance of having a Sabbath rest with Him.

Earlier this year myself and several women from my House Church committed to fasting and praying for one another for 2 weeks as we prayed through specific needs for ourselves and loved ones.  When we talked about doing the fast together everyone agreed that they long for the intimacy they had with Christ during our corporate fast in January and all wondered why we “lost” the intimacy we had gained with the Father during that time.  And we experienced Him again.  And to some extent, we “lost” the intimacy AGAIN when the fast ended.

In my time with God since then, this is what He has been teaching me.  I’ve discovered that rest is not a time to be lazy and disconnect from the world, but a time to connect with the Father.  Rest is instituted in a Person - the Lord of the Sabbath.  His rest is rich and sweet, easy and light, just as He said it would be.  “Learn of me.  You will find rest for your soul.”  This “rest” is a holy relationship.  

Resting in Jesus involves remembering Him, knowing Him, following Him, obeying Him, trusting Him and enjoying Him.

Christ has commanded and I am obeying and committing to a weekly (and daily if we are honest) Sabbath rest time with Him.  This is my conviction.  I am to set aside focused, devoted time to worship Him, pray with Him, study His word.  Marvel at His creation.  Stand in awe at His people.  Listen for Him to speak.  Respond with anticipation.  Be His representative in a lost and lonely world.  Share the gospel and honor Him with my surrender.

I am EXCHANGING a life full of to-do’s and half hearted time with Him, for the fullness of Christ in each and every day through worship and honest devotion to Him.  In surrendering this sacred time to the Father, I will be equipped, as Daniel, to DETERMINE in advance, how to honor God in everything that I do.

Our lives matter.  When we stick to our convictions and show discipline in following Christ, God is faithful to give us more of Him.  In Daniel’s case, he flourished both physically and in;

“Knowledge and understanding in every kind of literature and wisdom.”  Daniel 1:17

God rewarded Daniel’s faithfulness.  God will reward yours, whether now on earth (and 20 pounds of weight loss) or for eternity with Him.