When you think of a faithful friend or spouse, what do you think of? Miriam Webster defines it as,
“steadfast in affection or allegiance, loyal, having firm adherence to promises made, someone who is true to who they are, and the standards set.”
Most of us have been betrayed and/or slandered at some point. Maybe you had a friend who would turn around and gossip about you after you entrusted them with a secret. Maybe someone you trusted, caused harm. Perhaps someone made you feel they wanted to get to know you but then used everything you shared with them against you. Personally, I am coming out of a season of having been hurt deeply in some of these ways. It seemed the only thing consistent was the damage being done, and that it was followed up with twisted truth and me being misrepresented, or lied about, which only brought more hurt. In a world where we all fear and long to be fully known, betrayal and being misunderstood can be painfully damaging…but there is one who knows me fully! God knows my hurt and loss, He knows lies spoken about me, and He knows where some of the things about me may be true, even though I do not see it yet. God knows it all. He knows you. He knows and loves us anyway.
Take a moment this morning and read Psalms 139. Some believe that David wrote this Psalm after many people were speaking untrue things about him. I do not know if this is true, but it is definitely reasonable as we see David clinging to the fact that God knows what is true about him. I hope you will read it in its entirety because this simple blog post will not do it justice. It has been very helpful to me in my current season. As we walk through it together, I hope you will see how it covers so many areas of God’s faithfulness to us.
A key word in this chapter is “know”. It is used six times, and the word “knowledge” is used once. Take notice of all the verbs used for how God loves us. The chapter is full of His love in action.
“You have searched me Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down. You are familiar with my ways…”
(Psalm 139:1-3)
He knows the silly you, the melancholy you, the bitter you, the generous you, the good intentioned you, the rebellious you, the critical you, the graceful you, the disloyal you, and the faithful you. He knows every part of you.
“You hem me in behind and before and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.”
(Psalm 139:5)
This Greek word for hem (in some versions besetting) can mean to bind in, and to lay siege. There is a compressing in and surrounding of God happening. It is like He is embracing us in His arms and pressing in holding us tightly.
David goes on to say God is everywhere. We cannot escape His presence. In verse 12,
“…even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like day, for darkness is as light to you.“
We can’t hide our sins in the dark, because He is faithful to shine light on all things. This can feel creepy or scary, but it means God is light! He has no dark side! God is only good. We do not have to guess if we will get goodness from Him. His goodness always brings light to our darkness! He is faithful to who He is including His goodness.
The next verses describe the awesome power and creativity of a God who is so big, but still intentional in the smallest details of creating us. We were created with such intricate care. So much power and creativity were shown to us even before our hearts could beat. Suddenly there is a shift in the last verses and David begins to ask God to slay the wicked. David hates those who hate God and speak His name with evil intent. It seems as if David believed his heart to be right but knew he needed God to search his heart, because our hearts can deceive us. He invited God to search and change anywhere his heart is not righteous.
In verse 23 David prays,
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”
The biblical meaning of the word “search” here has similar meaning to the way a miner would search for gold. It is also used in Judges 18:2 where the Israelites scour and search for land. Why does this matter? God has searched for you, knows you, and still loves you so much that He continues to search for you. He is actively pursuing your heart. This is not a passive relationship on His part.
Faithfulness is purposeful. In this Psalm alone God searches, knows, perceives, discerns, hems us in, lays His hand upon us, is always present, guides us, holds us fast, shines His light, created us, sees us, thinks of us, fights for us, examines and corrects us, and leads us in the way everlasting. This is love and faithfulness. It is purposeful, intentional, and consistent. When He blesses us, He is true to His promises. When we sin and things go wrong, it is His faithfulness to His word. God cannot change or betray. He cannot misunderstand you. He is love, and He is faithful.
Where do you see God pursuing you? Do you invite Him to search you even when you feel misrepresented? Do you trust that He explores to bring intimacy and holiness, not to harm? How actively do you seek Him? Where can you dig deeper to know Him more, and where do you need to be searched and tested deeper still? God alone is good and faithful. Be known and ask Him to search you where you can be more faithful to Him and others. Know and seek Him with all your heart and look for His faithfulness to you.
Joanna is a contributing writer for Shaken and Stirred. She loves Jesus and hopes she never stops learning more about Him. She is a Life Coach working alongside women and adolescence, as well as a mom to amazing 11&13 year old young men. She loves hiking and yoga when she gets the chance to do it. She often enjoys writing, creating, coffee with a friend or book, and laughing while hanging out with her boys.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash