A week ago, I sat in the front row at church as the call was made for those who needed healing to come forward for prayer and anointing from the Elders. I watched as people stepped forward and were honest with themselves, God, and His people about what they needed. A week ago, instead of moving forward, I stood still.
Earlier in the week, my daughter, Gwen exhibited symptoms that made us wonder if her shunt was failing. Thankfully, it turned out she just a stomach bug. The experience (not to mention catching the bug myself the next day) left me physically and emotionally drained. This was just another tough week in a series of extremely taxing weeks for me. I have felt the enemy attack using anxiety, sleep deprivation, and indecision to distract me.
Yet, I didn’t move from my seat. How often do we (women, mothers, and wives) try to fool ourselves into thinking we are “OK”? How often do we stay planted instead of moving when God calls us, offering healing and peace? We refuse to embrace the whole truth and be vulnerable to others, ourselves, and God.
In our reading today we will be looking at the bleeding woman who broke this narrative by baring “the whole truth” to Jesus. Please take a moment to read back through Mark 5: 24-34 (NIV).
“Examples to Follow”
Tell God the whole truth
When Jesus felt His power leave Him, He called out to the crowd. It would have been extremely easy for the woman to stand still, having taken her miracle, and allow the crowd to overtake and hide her. Maybe she thought she wasn’t important enough to answer the call, or that others around her might judge her? Thankfully, our story doesn’t end there.
The woman became an example to follow as, despite her fear and trembling, she moved forward to tell Jesus “the whole truth”. What’s funny is that Jesus knew the truth already. He always does. But He honors those who are willing to be vulnerable and honest. This shows in the final verse where He blesses her further and tells her to go in peace.
Did you catch that, she was further blessed because of her honesty! Just as each of those who, despite their own reservations, went forward the other week for anointing and healing. This isn’t to say God is holding back on you, but the opposite. We are holding back on God. He can’t work on us if we aren’t being honest with ourselves and with Him.
When you have a moment this week, I encourage you to pray and ask God to reveal where you could be more like the bleeding woman in her honesty. If you feel comfortable, share what he tells you.
Looking back at the passage, are there other examples you see to follow or commands?
Heather is a contributing writer for Shaken & Stirred. She is a believer, a wife, and a mother to a wonderful (and sometimes crazy) one-year-old. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and listening to podcasts. She can usually be taking care of the home and playing on the floor with her daughter.