If you joined us last week, you know we looked at how God loves us personally, calls us by name, and longs for us to enjoy being present with Him. We have been walking through the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42. I encourage you to take a moment to read, or reread the passage if you haven’t already, and join us as we ask:
What do we learn about mankind?
We desperately need the Holy Spirit.
For us to genuinely love God, we need His help in the form of the Holy Spirit. Martha was lucky, she had the option to literally speak to Jesus in person. But today in order to have the opportunity of any kind of conversation we have to let go and allow Jesus/the Holy Spirit into our hearts. I wonder if part of her frustration was that she longed to sit at His feet but let her daily life get in her way. She clearly wanted to invite him in, serve him, and love him.
Sitting at his feet with a desire to learn is the only way we can learn to live and choose as Jesus did. His ways are better than our ways. Sometimes, especially as women, we see all the details of what needs to be done. If we did not love Jesus, or our families, or churches, and desire to serve them, the details would not feel so important. Without the Holy Spirit leading us, Satan can use our holy desires to exhaust us and fill us with anxiety before we even get started.
Just as I mentioned last week, Jesus points out Marth’s anxieties but He also tells her,
“Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.” Luke 10:42
Mary chose what is good: being with Jesus. Martha needed acknowledgment and direction from Jesus to help point her in the right direction. Sometimes, as we love Jesus, we can choose what is good, but it takes sitting at His feet and letting Him lead us, to help us choose what is better.
We are stronger together!
Mary and Martha both loved Jesus in their own unique way. Mary longed to learn from Jesus, while Martha felt the desire to serve Him. But there is a need for balance. Because there will be a time when people like Mary need to be reminded to act on what they have learned and a time when Marthas, obviously, need to be reminded to soak in time with just Jesus.
That is where the body of Christ (other believers) comes in. We need the presence of other believers and their gifting to make us strong. We are all called to sit with Him, to serve Him, to serve and care for others in many ways. We need the guidance of Jesus, other believers to work together to make it all flow and serve Him at our best.
Where are you choosing what is good, instead of what is better? Have you taken time today to express your need for Him to help you choose what is best?
God, please help us love you better, and invite you into every day, moment, and decision. Thank you for your patience with us as you teach us to love more like you. Help us be pliable and make room for your voice and ready to be taught. Help us first go to you and learn to work together as a body that puts your first, so that your will can be done!
Joanna is a contributing writer for Shaken and Stirred. She loves Jesus and hopes she never stops learning more about Him. She is a Life Coach working alongside women and adolescence, as well as a mom to amazing 11&13 year old young men. She loves hiking and yoga when she gets the chance to do it. She often enjoys writing, creating, coffee with a friend or book, and laughing while hanging out with her boys.