The information we have shared in this series is just a sliver of the vast pool of knowledge that exists on the subject of apologetics. We encourage further study and believe that every believer should work out their salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12-13). We’ve compiled a list below of various books, movies, & podcasts that will offer opportunities to learn more about the Bible, the Church, the resurrection, and much more.


  1. "The Case For Christ" - Lee Strobel

  2. "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" - Josh McDowell

  3. "Reasonable Faith" - William Lane Craig

  4. “The Reason For God” - Timothy Keller


  1. The Case For Christ


  1. Passion City Church Podcast "episode 364 July 3rd, 2018 The Case For Christ"


  1. Right Now Media