Sunday, March 9th, Church That Matters will have water baptisms during both of our Worship Encounters.
Join us as people who have given their hearts and lives to Jesus follow through in this incredible step of obedience to Christ’s command as they identify with His death, burial, and resurrection.
If you have given your life to follow Jesus but have not followed through with being water baptized since that time, why not take this step with these others on Sunday as we celebrate new life in Christ?
Three biblical reasons to be baptized quickly:
1- OBEDIENCE – being baptized is a first step of obedience for a Christian and should be done as soon as possible. Even Christ himself was baptized as our model in Matthew 3:13. Will you follow Christ in obedience and be baptized?
2- PUBLICLY – Baptism is a public symbol of our private faith and is to be conducted in front of the entire church as a public expression. As a matter of fact, Jesus said very strongly in Matthew 10:32, “If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven.” Will you acknowledge Christ publicly before your Church family and friends?
3- QUICKLY – While baptism does not bring salvation (only faith in Christ does), it should be done as quickly as possible after salvation. Every example in the New Testament is one of haste. There is always a reason to wait and always another excuse for delay but let me encourage you to be like the Ethiopian follower in Acts 9 who saw a body of water right after his conversation and said “Look! There’s some water! Why can’t I be baptized?” (Acts 9:36) Why wait?
Why these strong reasons for you to be baptized? Because Pastor Rusty personally knows how important his baptism was and has seen how waiting to be baptized can be a hindrance to your growth.
In other words, he is concerned about you. He is nudging you out of love. We realize you may have to cancel some plans, explain to some out of town friends that you are not going to wait any longer or perhaps display unusual courage but it will be worth it!